Our Mission
American for Freedom is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization working to protect economic and religious liberty in the United States. Our team of seasoned organizational, media, and policy experts have developed a detailed action program to begin dismantling decades of economic enslavement and religious persecution by the radical Left. Our unique program is bold, fearless, and achievable!
We invite you review our agenda, which is designed to reverse the course of America’s moral and economic decline.
How We’re Different
We have a unique action plan devised by organizational and strategy experts with a powerful track record for winning upset campaign victories. Our strategy identified and reverse-engineered the Left’s battle plan to undermine our religious and economic institutions.
Our organizational efforts concentrate organizational, media, and financial “critical mass” on the right battlefront at exactly the right moment to guarantee success.
America is at a tipping point. We’re asking you to do what proud Americans have always done when our beloved country is under attack: Take up the challenge, march to the sound of “battle”, and together, win the fight!
Our Values
America’s founding fathers intentionally established a Republican form of government based on moral principles and natural law, affirming that our rights come from God, that the purpose of government is to secure those rights…which include life, liberty, and property. Americans for Freedom is focused on strengthening the pillars upholding a vibrant, free market economy, and a remarkable culture based on a tested-and-proven Judeo-Christian moral code.
Help Advance Freedom
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