“I can save our economic and religious freedom for the price of a cup of coffee?”

“How is that possible?” 

Every day our economic and religious liberty is being wiped-away in front of our eyes.  Our arrogant antagonists are even daring us to do anything about it.  Well, now there IS something we can do.

Our Founding Fathers wisely knew YOU would be America’s secret weapon:  That YOUR passion for liberty would always be what keeps America the land of the free.

The “Cup of Freedom” Program allows all of us to share a stake in preserving our economic and religious freedom.  

Inspired by the same faith in you our Founding Fathers had, we’re asking you to donate just $2.50 a week to our “Cup of Freedom” program to become the new vanguard of America’s religious liberty. That’s less than the cost of one cup of coffee a week to secure your religious freedom.

How will your donation make a difference?

This year, we will introduce the “Religious Bill of Rights” in state legislatures 
We are targeting for impeachment (or ballot removal) America’s “Dirty Dozen” worst judges
We are initiating innovative legal and financial strategies to clean up our popular culture, stop attacks on Christianity and other faiths, and hold organizations financially liable for the consequences of promoting socially destructive behaviors
We will work until we secure a Tax-Limitation Balanced Budget Amendment, which forces Congress to balance the budget only by cutting spending, not raising taxes…

…and much more!

Just 5000 churchgoers donating $2.50 a week ensures the success of our mission to restore religious liberty!  

Just 5000 patriots donating $2.50 a week ensures the success of our dynamic plan to restore American’s economic freedom.

Will you be one of that vanguard of 5000?

St. Paul in Chapter 12 of II Corinthians:
“…I refuse to be a burden to you.  For what I really want is your hearts, not your money.”  

By your contributing $2.50 — less than the price cup of one cup of coffee a week — together we will win the fight to preserve America’s religious liberty and economic freedom.

Now that’s a Cup of Freedom worth ordering!

(And please remember, the 1st amendment protects everyone’s faith and religious liberty!) 

It wasn’t in mathematics that our forefathers placed their confidence.  It was their faith in your passion to remain free. 

We at Americans for Freedom have that same faith in you today.

Please click here to protect our economic and religious liberty!